Winning Partner Review
KYC Requirements
The following KYC documents will be requested by Winning Partners:
Please ensure that you have sent the following documents if you are working as an individual:
- Proof of ID (Passport / Driver’s License/ Birth Certificate / National Identity Card)
- Proof of Address (Utility Bill, Bank Statement - the name on the document needs to be the same as the Proof of ID) no older than 3 months
- Tax Registration (Personal NOT VAT)
- Domain Ownership
- Criminal Records (Please note that we cannot approve affiliate accounts for individuals identified as PEP.)
Please send the below documents if you are working as a business:
- Certificate of Incorporation.
- Certificate of Shareholders.
- Certificate of Directors and Secretary.
- Certificate of Registered Office.
- Tax Certificate.
- Corporate Structure leading to all UBOs.
- Proof of ID and Proof of Address for ALL Directors.
- Proof of ID and Proof of Address for ALL UBO's (over 5%).
- Proof of ID and Proof of Address for ALL Shareholders (over 5%) if not the same as UBOs.
- Bank Statement of the Entity / Financial Statements of the previous audited year.
- Confirmation that none of the controlling individuals is a PEP**
- Proof of Domain Ownership.

Rev Share
25% - 50%CPA
YESSub Aff